Friday, August 3, 2007

Interview Questions - VB Interview Questions

Interview Questions - VB Interview Questions
• Public, Private, Friend: what are their scopes?
• What is the difference between a function and a subroutine?
• What do ByVal and ByRef mean and which is the default?
Callback Functions:
• What was introduced to Visual Basic to allow the use of Callback Functions?
• What does this function return?
• What version was this added in?
• An example of where this could be useful.
Event Raising/Sinking:
• What keyword is associated with raising system level events in VB?
• Why and where would you use this keyword.
• An example of when this could be put to good use.
• In a multiple sink environment, which event would be raised first.
MDI Interfaces:
• In an MDI application, what is the maximum number of MDI parent forms allowed?
• How do you set a new form added to an existing MDI application to be and child?
• What does the Implements statement do?
• Where would you find it useful to use the Implements statement.
• What is the definition of a class?
• How would you create a new instance of a class?
• What event is triggered when this occurs?
• What is a Public Not Creatable class?
• What is a Multi Use class?
• What is the difference between an ActiveX DLL and an ActiveX EXE?
• What is a property page?
• What is the difference between early and late binding?
Data Access
• What types of data access have you used.
• Can database schema be changed with DAO, RDO or ADO?
• What are the key components of an ODBC connection string?
• What are the advantages of disconnected recordsets.
• What is a Type Library and what is it's purpose
• How does a DCOM component know where to instantiate itself?
• What are binary and project compatibility?
• What kind of components can you use as DCOM servers?
• What type of multi-threading does VB6 implement?
• How can you force new objects to be created on new threads?
• What is a thread pool and how are the threads within a thread pool managed?
• How can objects on different threads communicate with one another?

What Arithmetic Operations can be performed in VB?
There are many but here are the simplest:
/ Divide, * Multiply, - Minus, + Add

Q: How to connect crystal report with oracle?
From: Arun Raghupathi

A: Answer this Question ODBC

What Have You Used Questions
These questions are used to determine the depth and breadth of experience the interviewee has.
1. What versions of VB have you used? Have you used VBA or VBScript?
2. Have you ever used classes? If so, how have you used them? YES TO IMPLEMNT METHODS
3. Have you ever created ActiveX DLLs? If so, why did you create the DLLs instead of using code in the main application? MEMORY
4. Have you ever created ActiveX controls? If so, what did they do? REUSABILITY MORE FUNCTIONALITY.
5. Have you ever created ActiveX EXEs? If so, what were they used for? - NO
6. Have you ever used Collections? Collection Classes? Combo box.
7. Have you ever used ADO? How about any other database engines? YES
8. Have you ever used resource files? If so, for what reason?
9. Have you used the FileSystemObject?
10. Have you used the Dictionary Object?
11. Have you developed components for MTS? How about IIS and/or ASP pages? Any other server based components?
12. What database backends have you worked with? Access? SQL Server? Oracle?
13. What version control systems have you used?
14. What versions of Windows have you used? Have you used any other operating systems? 3.x,9*,2000,NT
15. What third party ActiveX controls have you used?
Farpoint, trueDbgrid,vsflex
16. Are there any other programming tools, such as database diagramming or CASE tools, that you've used? Visio, RR, Designer, TOAD
17. Have you ever created Web Classes? ActiveX documents? Any other web based components? No
18. Have you ever built a DCOM application? No
General VB Programming Questions
These questions cover some common situations in programming in VB. You'll probably want to add your own that are specific to your project.
1. If you were writing a program, what method would you use to send information from the main form of the application to a modal popup form and then pass any changes to the data back to the main form when the popup form was closed? Query unload
2. How would you center a form on the screen? How about centering it on another form? Startupposition = 2
3. If an event, such as a tool bar button or menu click, occurs on a MDI parent how can it invoke an action on one or more MDI child forms?
4. What are some methods you can use to send data from one VB executable to another one?
5. What are the differences between a standard module and a class module? Memory and instancing
6. What do you have to do to make your class visible to programs other than your own? multiuse
7. How can you tell what kind of object an object variable is holding? typeof
8. Describe the different scopes of variables in,priv,friend
9. Describe the difference between a public variable in a form and one in a standard code module.
10. How do you handle error conditions in your code? On error
11. What are some uses and misuses of variants?
12. What are some of the steps you can take to determine why your program is crashing with "Invalid Page Fault" errors?
13. What are the different ways you can use threading in VB? When are they appropriate?
14. How many tabs in a tabbed dialog do you consider appropriate?
15. How many items should you make available to users in a listbox or combo box?
General Interview Questions
These questions are used to determine where a person is in the culture of programming. Some are variations on old interview questions but are good at bringing out aspects of the interviewee's personality and skills that other questions might miss.
1. What resources did you use when you were learning VB? Which were most helpful to you? Are there ones that you still find useful?
2. What books on software development in general have you found useful? What books have you read recently?
3. What are some of your favorite programming related web sites? What about your favorite sites in general?
4. What are some mistakes you've made when programming and how did you deal with them?
5. What was your most successful programming project? What made it successful?
6. What new technologies are you currently learning?
7. Do you have your own web site(s)? What's on them and what are their URLs?
8. What is your greatest strength in programming? What is your greatest weakness?
9. What would you consider to be a good user interface? How about a bad one?
10. What are some methods you would use to gather requirements for a project from potential users?
11. What do you think are the right ingredients for a successful programming project?
12. What is your favorite Science Fiction novel? How about Science Fiction TV show or movie?
13. Do you do anything artistic or creative as a hobby, such as play a musical instrument, paint, sculpt, build cabinets, etc?
14. What's the airspeed velocity of an unladden swallow?

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